Aero-Medical Inspector Course
- The course provides Aeromedical inspectors with the competencies required to conduct specific safety oversight functions in accordance with ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)
After having successfully completed the course participants will be able to have deep knowledge on:
1.ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program
- What is a USOAP Audit?
- What is Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA)?
- How is “Establishment” and “Implementation” associated with the CEs?
2.ICAO Annex 9 - Facilitation
- Introduction
- Document Required for Aircraft Clearance
- Disinsection of aircraft
- Declaration of health
- Forms
3.Management of Aviation Safety Risk
4.Airport and Aircraft Inspection
5.WHO IHR 2005
Who Sould Attend
- • This course is designed for CAA licensing office staff
- Aviation Medical
- such as: • Aeromedical Inspectors and Medical Assessor • Flight crew licensing operations inspectors • Licensing officers • Administrative licensing staff.
Course Content
- Module 01: ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program
- Module 02: Annex 9 - Facilitation
- Module 03: CAAs on the Management of Aviation Safety Risks (COVID-9 as a Model)
- Module 04: WHO International Health Regulation (IHR- 2005)
- The participant should have an experience of not less than 10 years in the Aeromedical Field.
CairoCourse Code
U 411Course Duration
5 DayAsk Qustion
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