Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model (AICM)


  • Introduce the business rules of AICM


  • Scan the time schedules in AICM.
  • Demonstrate the AD and RWY data by AICM.
  • Check the airspace data by using AICM.
  • Connect between significant points and NAVAID.
  • Apply the SID/STAR charts. 

Who Sould Attend

  • Air Traffic Control Supervisors and Senior Air Traffic Control Officers who may be ask to perform the task of Shift Supervisor and Aeronautical Informational Service Staff.
  • AIS officers and operation officers of the aviation companies.
  • ATCs AIS officers & ATS officers

Course Content

  • Module 01: AICM Introduction
  • Module 02: Implementation of AICM


Course Code
Course Duration
5 Day
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